Learn German for beginners free
1- salute
- To tell a good day, tell your greeting: "Guten Tag" They pronounce so "goo-tehn tahg"
- To receive someone saying hello Say "Hallo" she noted Ha, not he also in English so as not to confuse you
- And says good morning: "Guten Morgen" and thus pronounce "goot-teh morgen"
- And says: Good evening "after noontime to midnight before" Say: "Guten Abend" and pronounce "Goo-tuhn Abent"
- To greet before going to sleep (Goodnight) Say "Gute Nacht" and thus pronounce: "goot-teh nuhcht"
- To ask someone about the condition (how are you) you can say: "? Wie geht es Ihnen "pronounced" vee Gate s eenin ",
or say:" Wie geht es dir "pronounced" Vee Gate s deer "
- And to say with safety through phone calls: "Auf wiederhören" and pronounce: "owf vee-dair-hoorn"
2. reply to others
- When someone asks you about are you'll respond to it: (I am fine thank you) thus: "Mir geht es gut, danke" or say (I'm okay, what about you?) So "(Gut! Und dir (/ selb" and is used selb dir instead of those who are the biggest you're not to signify the appreciation and respect.
- To say (thank you): "Danke"
- To say "yes": "Ja" and pronounce "ya"
- To say "no": "Nein" and pronounce "Nein"
- And calling on people in Sidi "Herr" means Mr and pronounce "hair"
- And calling for a woman Bsidta "Frau" means Mrs and pronounce "frow"
- And calling the girl "Fräulein" and pronounce "froy-line"
- To say (I'm not at home): "Nicht zu Hause" and pronounce "neecht tsu how-zeh"
3. Numbers
Number (one): "eins" and pronounce "iness" as to pronounce the last two characters in the word Nadine
Number. (two): zwei and pronounce (tsvy)
Number (three): drei and pronounce (dry)
Number (four): vier and pronounce (feer)
Number (five): funf and pronounce (foonf)
Number (six): sechs and pronounce (zechs)
Number (seven): sieben and pronounce (zee-ben)
Number (eight): acht and pronounce (uhcht)
Number (nine): nuen and pronounce (noyn)
Number (ten): zehn and pronounce (tsehn)
Number (eleven): elf and pronounce (elf)
Number (twelve): zwölf and pronounce (tsevelv "
Number (thirteen): (drei-zehn) and pronounce "dry-tsayn"
Number (fourteen): (vier-zehn) and pronounce "feer-tsayn"
Number (fifteen): "fünf-zehn" and pronounce "fuenf-tsayn"
Number (sixteen): (sech-zehn) and pronounce "zech-tsayn"
Number (seventeen): (sieb-zehn) and pronounce "zeeb-tsayn or seeb-tsayn"
Number (eighteen): (acht-zehn) and pronounce "uhcht-tsayn"
Number (nineteen): (neun-zehn) and pronounce "noyn-tsayn"
Number (twenty): (zwanzig) and pronounce "Tsvan-tsick" or "Tsvan-tsich"
4. Some phrases that may need them
- Anhalten means "stop"
- Weggehen or Geh weg! / Hau ab! Means "go away."
-? Wie viel kostet das means "what price" or "What is the cost," and pronounce (vee ~ fell ~ kostent ~ das)
- Yes, that would be nice "Ja das wäre schön"
- Can you tell me where the station? ? Kannst du mir sagen, wo der Bahnhof ist
- Contact me so we can talk together more "Ruf mich an, damit wir weiter reden können"
- I am very sorry Tut mir leid "
- Do you have? ? Haben Sie, and pronounce: (? Hah-ben zee ...)
- I can not sleep ich kann nicht schlafen
- I need to .. ich brauche
- I want .. ich möchte
- I love and adore ich mag comes with eating and drinks in the usual
- I like the "smitten ich liebe and come with the people and places and nature
- I'm hungry, "I Djaan" ich habe hunger
- Can I go to the bathroom if allowed? "? Darf ich bitte zur Toilette gehen"
5. To define yourself in German
- To introduce yourself by saying: My name is "Ich heiß" or Ich bin or mein Name ist "
- I come from or coming from: ich komme aus
- I live in: ich wonne in
- I was ..: ich ,,, jahre alt
- My job is ..: mein beruf
- My hobby is: mein hobby ist
- I am married: ich bin verheiratet
- I addressed: ich bin verlobt
and to ask someone:
- What's your name? ? Wie heißen Sie (official)
- What's your name? .? Wie heißt du (unofficial)
- Gesundheit a greeting uttered when someone sneezes in front of you
6. Some animals names
Cow "die Kuh"
- Dog "der Hund"
- Rat "die Maus"
- A cat die Katze
- Hen "die Henne"
- Pig "das Schwein"
- Frog "der Frosch"
- Fly "die Fliege"
- Bat "die Fledermaus"
- Lion "der Löwe"
- Ghazal "der Elch"
- Octopus "der Oktopus"
- Squirrel "das Eichhörnchen" and pronounce "EICH-HOHRN-CHEN"
- Asalkhvah "der Schildkröte" and pronounce "SHILL'D-KROH-TAY"
- Snake "die Schlange"
7. meanings of some of the signs and signals
- (+) "Plus" and pronounce "Ploos"
- (-) "Minus" and pronounce (meenoos)
- (×) "mal" and pronounce (mol)
- With "mit"
- No "ohne"
- Sir, "Herr" and pronounce (HAIR)
- Why "? Was" and pronounce (vas)
- Why "? Warum" and pronounce (Varrooom)
- What's the weather like? "? Wie ist das wetter"
- Football "Fußball" and pronounce (Foosball)
- Hot "Heiß" and pronounce "Hot"
- Cool "Kalt" and pronounce "(Kaahlt)"
- Ice "Schnee" and pronounce (Shnay)
- Iceman "Schneemann"
- Picture "Bild"
- Radio "Das Radio" and to pronounce ("Das Radio")
- Mobile phone (Mobile Phone) "Das Handy" and pronounce (Hahndee)
- The head, the head of "Kopf"
7. Finally, learn the names of drinks and different cuisines
- Milk or milk "die Milch" and pronounced (Millshhh)
- Apples "der Apfelsaft" juice
- Oranges "der Orangensaft" juice
- Water "das Wasser" and pronounce (Vasser)
- Potatoes die kartoffel
- Der Salat authority
- Cheese der Käse
- Live "bread" das brot
Fast Facts light
I ich - You du - is er - is sie - We Wear
*We have thus we presented a few km German language basics, you might find it a little difficult at first to learn German, but make sure you are continuing to try and practice will become a good proficient in the German language .. we hope that we have effectively Saadnakm to learn German basics and you will be have benefited from .
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