mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Learn German for beginners / Identify yourself / Say what you need / learning numbers and / More

If you're on a date with Germany in any way, whether you d like to travel to or that you have some friends Germans or would like to learn some quick German expressions for any other purpose must be to have learned the simplest grammar through knowledge of some of the terminology and basic greetings and phrases and questions public as well as numbers and other basic grammar we will now help you through Educate yourself site to show how simply spoke German and perfecting through a few easy steps set .. followed us read this article.

Learn German for beginners free

1- salute

- To tell a good day, tell your greeting: "Guten Tag" They pronounce so "goo-tehn tahg"

- To receive someone saying hello Say "Hallo" she noted Ha, not he also in English so as not to confuse you

- And says good morning: "Guten Morgen" and thus pronounce "goot-teh morgen"

- And says: Good evening "after noontime to midnight before" Say: "Guten Abend" and pronounce "Goo-tuhn Abent"

- To greet before going to sleep (Goodnight) Say "Gute Nacht" and thus pronounce: "goot-teh nuhcht"

- To ask someone about the condition (how are you) you can say: "? Wie geht es Ihnen "pronounced" vee Gate s eenin ", 
or say:" Wie geht es dir "pronounced" Vee Gate s deer "

- And to say with safety through phone calls: "Auf wiederhören" and pronounce: "owf vee-dair-hoorn"

2. reply to others

- When someone asks you about are you'll respond to it: (I am fine thank you) thus: "Mir geht es gut, danke" or say (I'm okay, what about you?) So "(Gut! Und dir (/ selb" and is used selb dir instead of those who are the biggest you're not to signify the appreciation and respect.

- To say (thank you): "Danke"

  - To say "yes": "Ja" and pronounce "ya"

  - To say "no": "Nein" and pronounce "Nein"

- And calling on people in Sidi "Herr" means Mr and pronounce "hair"

  - And calling for a woman Bsidta "Frau" means Mrs and pronounce "frow"

  - And calling the girl "Fräulein" and pronounce "froy-line"

- To say (I'm not at home): "Nicht zu Hause" and pronounce "neecht tsu how-zeh"

3. Numbers

Number (one): "eins" and pronounce "iness" as to pronounce the last two characters in the word Nadine

Number. (two): zwei and pronounce (tsvy)

Number (three): drei and pronounce (dry)

Number (four): vier and pronounce (feer)

Number (five): funf and pronounce (foonf)
Number (six): sechs and pronounce (zechs)

Number (seven): sieben and pronounce (zee-ben)

Number (eight): acht and pronounce (uhcht)

Number (nine): nuen and pronounce (noyn)

Number (ten): zehn and pronounce (tsehn)

Number (eleven): elf and pronounce (elf)

Number (twelve): zwölf and pronounce (tsevelv "

Number (thirteen): (drei-zehn) and pronounce "dry-tsayn"

Number (fourteen): (vier-zehn) and pronounce "feer-tsayn"

Number (fifteen): "fünf-zehn" and pronounce "fuenf-tsayn"

Number (sixteen): (sech-zehn) and pronounce "zech-tsayn"

Number (seventeen): (sieb-zehn) and pronounce "zeeb-tsayn or seeb-tsayn"

Number (eighteen): (acht-zehn) and pronounce "uhcht-tsayn"

Number (nineteen): (neun-zehn) and pronounce "noyn-tsayn"

Number (twenty): (zwanzig) and pronounce "Tsvan-tsick" or "Tsvan-tsich"

4. Some phrases that may need them

- Anhalten means "stop"

- Weggehen or Geh weg! / Hau ab! Means "go away."

-? Wie viel kostet das means "what price" or "What is the cost," and pronounce (vee ~ fell ~ kostent ~ das)

- Yes, that would be nice "Ja das wäre schön"

- Can you tell me where the station? ? Kannst du mir sagen, wo der Bahnhof ist

- Contact me so we can talk together more "Ruf mich an, damit wir weiter reden können"

- I am very sorry Tut mir leid "

- Do you have? ? Haben Sie, and pronounce: (? Hah-ben zee ...)

- I can not sleep ich kann nicht schlafen
- I need to .. ich brauche

- I want .. ich möchte
- I love and adore ich mag comes with eating and drinks in the usual
- I like the "smitten ich liebe and come with the people and places and nature
- I'm hungry, "I Djaan" ich habe hunger

- Can I go to the bathroom if allowed? "? Darf ich bitte zur Toilette gehen"

5. To define yourself in German

- To introduce yourself by saying: My name is "Ich heiß" or Ich bin or mein Name ist "

- I come from or coming from: ich komme aus

- I live in: ich wonne in
- I was ..: ich ,,, jahre alt
- My job is ..: mein beruf
- My hobby is: mein hobby ist
- I am married: ich bin verheiratet
- I addressed: ich bin verlobt

and to ask someone:

- What's your name? ? Wie heißen Sie (official)
- What's your name? .? Wie heißt du (unofficial)
- Gesundheit a greeting uttered when someone sneezes in front of you

6. Some animals names

Cow "die Kuh"

- Dog "der Hund"

- Rat "die Maus"

- A cat die Katze

- Hen "die Henne"

- Pig "das Schwein"

- Frog "der Frosch"

- Fly "die Fliege"

- Bat "die Fledermaus"

- Lion "der Löwe"

- Ghazal "der Elch"

- Octopus "der Oktopus"

- Squirrel "das Eichhörnchen" and pronounce "EICH-HOHRN-CHEN"

- Asalkhvah "der Schildkröte" and pronounce "SHILL'D-KROH-TAY"

- Snake "die Schlange"

7. meanings of some of the signs and signals

- (+) "Plus" and pronounce "Ploos"

- (-) "Minus" and pronounce (meenoos)

- (×) "mal" and pronounce (mol)

- With "mit"

- No "ohne"

- Sir, "Herr" and pronounce (HAIR)

- Why "? Was" and pronounce (vas)

- Why "? Warum" and pronounce (Varrooom)

- What's the weather like? "? Wie ist das wetter"

- Football "Fußball" and pronounce (Foosball)

- Hot "Heiß" and pronounce "Hot"

- Cool "Kalt" and pronounce "(Kaahlt)"

- Ice "Schnee" and pronounce (Shnay)

- Iceman "Schneemann"

- Picture "Bild"

- Radio "Das Radio" and to pronounce ("Das Radio")

- Mobile phone (Mobile Phone) "Das Handy" and pronounce (Hahndee)

- The head, the head of "Kopf"

7. Finally, learn the names of drinks and different cuisines

- Milk or milk "die Milch" and pronounced (Millshhh)

- Apples "der Apfelsaft" juice

- Oranges "der Orangensaft" juice

- Water "das Wasser" and pronounce (Vasser)

- Potatoes die kartoffel

- Der Salat authority

- Cheese der Käse

- Live "bread" das brot

Fast Facts light

I ich - You du - is er - is sie - We Wear

 *We have thus we presented a few km German language basics, you might find it a little difficult at      first to learn German, but make sure you are continuing to try and practice will become a good            proficient in the German language .. we hope that we have effectively Saadnakm to learn German      basics and you will be have benefited from .

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