mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Pictures the way you use baking soda for teeth whitening

Do you want whiter teeth without spending money on expensive products or expensive treatments? Fortunately, there is one common household product can do wonders for teeth whitening that baking soda! .... Also known as bicarbonate of soda - and is effective in removing stains on the teeth caused by tea, coffee, cigarettes, and other things.

Baking soda for teeth whitening

Here are some steps on how to use baking soda for bleaching teeth:

A simple way
1: a mixture of baking soda with water in a small cup, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water. Blend until dough forms. Put a toothbrush in the cup, covered with baking soda paste. Alternatively, you can dip a wet toothbrush directly in some baking soda, and will move to the powder brush bristles. However, the taste of baking soda to be very strong if you used this way.

2: brushing teeth for 1-2 minutes as you would in a normal, but the focus on the arrival of the brush into all the cracks and crevices. Do not brush your teeth for longer than two minutes because the strong soda bread can begin to erode the enamel in your teeth .alik be aware that the taste of baking soda is not pleasant.

3: spit baking soda and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash and rinse comprehensive dental rinse also brush.

4: You must repeat the process of brushing teeth with baking soda every day for a week or two weeks. You will notice a slight difference in the whiteness of your teeth after only a few days, a large difference after a few weeks. After a few weeks of brushing with baking soda every day, should be reduced to do so only once or twice a week. This is because the baking soda properties that could harm the enamel of your teeth if used too frequently.

We must realize that brushing your teeth with baking soda should not replace brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste which helps fight tooth decay, gum disease, and keep your breath fresh.

Alternative ways to help in whitening teeth

5: a mixture of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a great domestic product can be used to whiten your teeth effectively. Simply mix half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda into a paste similar to toothpaste. Dipping brush your teeth in this mixture, then left on your teeth minute or two. Rinsed with water or mouthwash.

Hydrogen peroxide can be found in most pharmacies and is usually sold in a bottle of dark color, to prevent hydrogen peroxide from the interaction with light. Make sure that you have a concentration of 3%, which is safe for oral use. Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a mouthwash as an anti-bacterial, and should ease the hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water.

6: a mixture of baking soda with lemon or lime juice. Can also mixing baking soda with fresh lemon or lime juice, as the citric acid in these fruits is effective whitening agent. Simply mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of fresh lemon or lime juice. Put this mixture to brush your teeth and leaves on the teeth for a minute before rinsing completely.
Most dentists do not advise this way, because the citric acid in the juice has a characteristic corrosion and will hurt the teeth.

7: a mixture of baking soda with toothpaste. You can mix baking soda with a little toothpaste normal to get the benefits of baking soda bleach, along with strengthening the protective properties of toothpaste that contains fluoride. Simply set the amount of ordinary toothbrush toothpaste workshops some baking soda on top, then use the brush as usual.


- Be sure not to clean the gums Besoda bread, because it can lead to a feeling of heartburn and bleeding.
- If you suffer from bloody brush your teeth and gums, prefer not to use it.
- After brushing teeth, use a brush your tongue with favorite spices. Where bad breath associated with the remains of food and plaque.
And the main cause of bad breath is bacteria that grow on the gums. So try brushing all the inside surface of the mouth (with the exception of the throat).
- The use of electric toothbrush will help brushing teeth faster and more effective.


Do not use this method often because baking soda is working to scrape the enamel of your teeth. There are some brands of toothpaste that contains abrasive materials is much nicer than baking soda, can be used daily without any risk to the health of your teeth, and helps to remove tobacco stains and coffee and tea No. cleans your teeth too harshly because it may harm the enamel (which is called erosion), leading to hyper-sensitivity Ivory through exposure to the baking soda.

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