If you're on a date with Germany in any way, whether you Mazuma to travel to or that you have...


When thinking about dental health, it is very important to make sure that there is no...

How do I know I am infected "Appendix"?

Appendicitis is a small pouch attached to the large intestine. And people who are...

Pictures the way you use baking soda for teeth whitening

Do you want whiter teeth without spending money on expensive products or expensive treatments?...


The breeding beard may symbolize religious or political connotations has to symbolize...

mercredi 31 décembre 2014

How consistent with other rules make you loved by everyone

The nature of human beings based on the difference between them in foul and personalities equipped and versatile aspects of our differences and flaws are always more than the human aspects of our agreement Vencej spun from many lines and all of us involved in it. Flancetkhv ways to ensure the best cases of harmony between you and those around you on the face of the earth:

How consistent with others

1-each time criticizing the other person realize that there are a percentage of the symmetry between you. In contrast, as the diversity that comes from a small percentage of difference. You represent a unique assortment of human nature prevailing, use logic and good intentions to practice how to live and show the will and the ability to excel and enjoy life and reach your goals-Semitism in the community well.

2-Learn common natures Everyone has personal reservations and personal and private endeavors ways to enjoy life style. Trying to assess the nature of those of you in harmony with the universe around you and see your life and your humanity. And do good for many people. Think of the goal that you want to access it and that you want to realizing the dream and plan, which would like to walk on the pace. ?? And what job you want to complete them and Search Doakhlha deeply? And Ahacd support and encouragement from others to have a better future?

3-I realize that everyone can be lent balance of mankind: the reservation or real lack of resources may represent a threat to some people in the completion of their careers, but you must be aware that most people have the ability to add value to the world is greater than imagined. And keep in mind that we inhabit a planet rich in natural resources.

4-awareness of the unique participation that may be provided by each person in human progress through creative thinking and hard work. Do not over-attention to another religion or political orientation, but instead ask the meet or deal with the people: Do you take advantage of your life properly? Do you feel good when you look at the mirror? Can you imagine yourself in the place of another person? When you sleep at night,, Are you a happy and Rady about your day? When you wake up in the morning Are you hungry for more achievements?

5-estimated natural desire to look good and also offers good performance: there is a great pleasure derived from the presence of the public, as well as the happiness you feel if you are from the public, and that you will enjoy the performance and offers other human dignity and pride alone pay to always bring out the best of his and he is able to catch up with the progress of opportunity in front of you to enjoy life should be celebrated and exploited to its maximum advantage and rejects reality experienced by the routine.

6-to be able to benefit others and to bring benefit to you as well: it makes no sense for someone to expect to get anything for free. But keep in mind that at times there is no problem in providing a helping hand to someone else as a gesture from you as long as you can in it,, and have a chance to satisfy your ego. And not expected to return for a large part of the perfect tender,,, because Attaik be unconditional. You'll find that most people are estimated and are given this particular contrast when it engaged in good faith.

7. We all live on this planet together: and unite to reap more by working together rather than against each other. Love the greatest catalyst for harmony and harmony between humans. And the less affection between humans especially in difficult times, gave more and more love for others around you to live in harmony all.

Pictures the way you use baking soda for teeth whitening

Do you want whiter teeth without spending money on expensive products or expensive treatments? Fortunately, there is one common household product can do wonders for teeth whitening that baking soda! .... Also known as bicarbonate of soda - and is effective in removing stains on the teeth caused by tea, coffee, cigarettes, and other things.

Baking soda for teeth whitening

Here are some steps on how to use baking soda for bleaching teeth:

A simple way
1: a mixture of baking soda with water in a small cup, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water. Blend until dough forms. Put a toothbrush in the cup, covered with baking soda paste. Alternatively, you can dip a wet toothbrush directly in some baking soda, and will move to the powder brush bristles. However, the taste of baking soda to be very strong if you used this way.

2: brushing teeth for 1-2 minutes as you would in a normal, but the focus on the arrival of the brush into all the cracks and crevices. Do not brush your teeth for longer than two minutes because the strong soda bread can begin to erode the enamel in your teeth .alik be aware that the taste of baking soda is not pleasant.

3: spit baking soda and rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash and rinse comprehensive dental rinse also brush.

4: You must repeat the process of brushing teeth with baking soda every day for a week or two weeks. You will notice a slight difference in the whiteness of your teeth after only a few days, a large difference after a few weeks. After a few weeks of brushing with baking soda every day, should be reduced to do so only once or twice a week. This is because the baking soda properties that could harm the enamel of your teeth if used too frequently.

We must realize that brushing your teeth with baking soda should not replace brushing your teeth with normal toothpaste which helps fight tooth decay, gum disease, and keep your breath fresh.

Alternative ways to help in whitening teeth

5: a mixture of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a great domestic product can be used to whiten your teeth effectively. Simply mix half a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of baking soda into a paste similar to toothpaste. Dipping brush your teeth in this mixture, then left on your teeth minute or two. Rinsed with water or mouthwash.

Hydrogen peroxide can be found in most pharmacies and is usually sold in a bottle of dark color, to prevent hydrogen peroxide from the interaction with light. Make sure that you have a concentration of 3%, which is safe for oral use. Hydrogen peroxide is also used as a mouthwash as an anti-bacterial, and should ease the hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of water.

6: a mixture of baking soda with lemon or lime juice. Can also mixing baking soda with fresh lemon or lime juice, as the citric acid in these fruits is effective whitening agent. Simply mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of fresh lemon or lime juice. Put this mixture to brush your teeth and leaves on the teeth for a minute before rinsing completely.
Most dentists do not advise this way, because the citric acid in the juice has a characteristic corrosion and will hurt the teeth.

7: a mixture of baking soda with toothpaste. You can mix baking soda with a little toothpaste normal to get the benefits of baking soda bleach, along with strengthening the protective properties of toothpaste that contains fluoride. Simply set the amount of ordinary toothbrush toothpaste workshops some baking soda on top, then use the brush as usual.


- Be sure not to clean the gums Besoda bread, because it can lead to a feeling of heartburn and bleeding.
- If you suffer from bloody brush your teeth and gums, prefer not to use it.
- After brushing teeth, use a brush your tongue with favorite spices. Where bad breath associated with the remains of food and plaque.
And the main cause of bad breath is bacteria that grow on the gums. So try brushing all the inside surface of the mouth (with the exception of the throat).
- The use of electric toothbrush will help brushing teeth faster and more effective.


Do not use this method often because baking soda is working to scrape the enamel of your teeth. There are some brands of toothpaste that contains abrasive materials is much nicer than baking soda, can be used daily without any risk to the health of your teeth, and helps to remove tobacco stains and coffee and tea No. cleans your teeth too harshly because it may harm the enamel (which is called erosion), leading to hyper-sensitivity Ivory through exposure to the baking soda.

How do I know I am infected "Appendix"? These are the symptoms of appendicitis

Appendicitis is a small pouch attached to the large intestine. And people who are diagnosed them appendicitis requires appendectomy process, or surgery to remove the appendix. Appendicitis is one of the medical emergency, so it's important to know how to recognize the signs of occurrence and medical assistance as soon as possible. If you want to know how to recognize the symptoms of appendicitis, continue reading the following article :

Symptoms of appendicitis

Part 1 examined the symptoms yourself:

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 1:
Note abdominal pain. Pain associated with appendicitis usually starts around the navel (or belly button) and moves to the lower right part of the abdomen, just above the hip bone, Here are some ways to check for abdominal pain:

Click on your belly, if it was very painful for you than just a touch, especially in the bottom right, consider calling your doctor immediately. You may also feel pain in the lower abdomen when pressed. If you click on the lower abdomen and I felt a sharp pain you expedite the release of her because she may have appendicitis.

When the pressure on your stomach, your finger may be able to penetrate the depth of the stomach or be superficial, if you notice that you Tdkht be superficial, may be swollen abdomen, a symptom of appendicitis.

Try to stand and then walk, if you can not do that because of the severe pain, you may have appendicitis. In addition, you may find that you can ease the pain by placing the body in the fetal position.

See if the pain gets if you make alert or coughing movements. Follow up the path of pain. Acute pain can be moved from the navel to the excess area worms (called Mac Burney point) If lasted 12 to 24 hours after onset of symptoms, you should see a doctor.

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 2:

Find common symptoms for appendicitis. Not all of the faces of these symptoms. But if you suffer from a number of these symptoms may be time to go to the hospital. You have to go to the hospital as soon as possible after the occurrence of symptoms should be any delay because the appendicitis may be exposed to rupture and will put your life at risk. Symptoms usually occur over a period of 12 to 18 hours and then become very severe.

Fever - If your temperature is at or above (40 ° C) to go to the hospital immediately. If ((38 ° C, but you suffer from several other symptoms, go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Low fever 37 ° C is introduced another
Constipation - if that was associated with frequent vomiting, constipation, this strongly suggests appendicitis.
Back pain
An inability to pass gas
Tenesmus (feeling bowel movement)

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 3:

Be on the lookout for the symptoms are less common than appendicitis. In addition to the above symptoms, you may also experience symptoms of less common with appendicitis. Appendicitis occurs with people aged between 10 and 30; may occur to children under the age of 10 and women over 50. These are some of the least common symptoms that can occur:

Pain during urination
Vomiting before the pain begins in the abdomen
Sharp pain in the rectum and upper or lower abdomen.

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 4:

If you feel that you have the symptoms of appendicitis appendicitis, it is important not to make the situation worse and go directly for treatment. Here's what must be avoided before the period of treatment: Do not take laxatives or pain relievers. Laxatives may irritate the gut more, and pain relievers can make it difficult to detect mutations in abdominal pain.
Do not take antacids because they can increase the pain associated with appendicitis. Do not use the bottle to warm the belly because it can cause rupture of the appendix. Do not eat or drink anything until the examination.

Part 2 follow-up medical care:

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 5:
If you feel you are suffering from appendicitis, trying to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and go to the hospital, appendicitis is likely to be life-threatening if left untreated.

When you go to the emergency room, and explain the symptoms to the nurse and tell her that you suspect appendicitis. Then you are placed in the list of people who need immediate care of their injuries, according to emergency situations.
Do not panic if you have to wait in the emergency list. Just where you are in the hospital is safer than home place - even if there is any developments in the waiting room, you will be able to fast care. Try to be patient.

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 6:

When you do see a doctor, he knows appendicitis signs you feel. This is what you will be doing:

Describe your symptoms. Note any digestive problems (such as constipation and vomiting), and tried to tell the doctor if you notice any pain.

The doctor will put pressure on the bottom of your belly to make sure of appendicitis, but it is difficult to verify the presence of inflammation or infection, leading to the explosion of appendicitis. If you have inflammation and spasm of the abdominal muscles when you press them. The doctor can perform the rectal exam.

Your doctor may order a CT scan on the abdomen or ultrasound to confirm appendicitis before surgery. He also performs a blood test or urine test. It can take a chest x-ray to make sure the presence of pulmonary inflammation or not he could be the reason behind abdominal pain.

Tell your doctor if he does not need surgery, he will be sent to the house and be on probation for a period of 12 to 24 hours. During that time, you should not take antibiotics, pain relievers, or laxatives. In this case, you should contact the medical care if you got any worst. And not to eat or drink because this will cause a problem if you need surgery.

Recognize the symptoms of appendicitis Step 7:

Appendectomy modern minimally invasive, and you should be able to return to a normal life while avoiding any complications. However, after the surgery must take care of yourself. Here's what you should do to get back to normal life after the surgery:

Ease eating solid foods. Because you have surgery in the digestive system, and must eat things like oatmeal, bananas, gelatin and soups in the first few days. Stick to the same diet that followed when the flu, or follow the diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
Not doing housework yourself. I take this opportunity to raise your feet on the couch and watch movies for a few days.
Call your doctor if you notice any problems such as pain, vomiting, dizziness and feelings of weakness, fever, diarrhea or bloody stool and urine, and constipation. Any symptoms of appendicitis after it has been removed should be a reason to call your doctor.


Make sure you get adequate rest after surgery.
People who have special circumstances may not Tusbandm classic symptoms for appendicitis and just having a general feeling of illness. These cases include:
H.I.V. patients
Cancer and / or chemotherapy for patients
Patients conscripts who for Organ Transplantation
Pregnancy (risk is during the third quarter)
Infants and young children
The most serious complication of appendicitis is torn apart and explode, which can lead to peritonitis, a serious infection occurs when bacteria and other contents of the excess ordnance into the abdominal cavity moves (peritoneal cavity), and the formation of abscess, blocks swollen filled with fluid and bacteria.
Young children with appendicitis sometimes rheumatoid find it difficult to eat, sleep may even refuse to eat snacks their favorite.


Not delayed at any time to get medical attention if you suspect appendicitis. Because ruptured appendicitis can be fatal. If you go to the emergency department, and sent home without treatment, you must return if symptoms worsen .

note : please share this article for benefit .

Learn German for beginners / Identify yourself / Say what you need / learning numbers and / More

If you're on a date with Germany in any way, whether you d like to travel to or that you have some friends Germans or would like to learn some quick German expressions for any other purpose must be to have learned the simplest grammar through knowledge of some of the terminology and basic greetings and phrases and questions public as well as numbers and other basic grammar we will now help you through Educate yourself site to show how simply spoke German and perfecting through a few easy steps set .. followed us read this article.

Learn German for beginners free

1- salute

- To tell a good day, tell your greeting: "Guten Tag" They pronounce so "goo-tehn tahg"

- To receive someone saying hello Say "Hallo" she noted Ha, not he also in English so as not to confuse you

- And says good morning: "Guten Morgen" and thus pronounce "goot-teh morgen"

- And says: Good evening "after noontime to midnight before" Say: "Guten Abend" and pronounce "Goo-tuhn Abent"

- To greet before going to sleep (Goodnight) Say "Gute Nacht" and thus pronounce: "goot-teh nuhcht"

- To ask someone about the condition (how are you) you can say: "? Wie geht es Ihnen "pronounced" vee Gate s eenin ", 
or say:" Wie geht es dir "pronounced" Vee Gate s deer "

- And to say with safety through phone calls: "Auf wiederhören" and pronounce: "owf vee-dair-hoorn"

2. reply to others

- When someone asks you about are you'll respond to it: (I am fine thank you) thus: "Mir geht es gut, danke" or say (I'm okay, what about you?) So "(Gut! Und dir (/ selb" and is used selb dir instead of those who are the biggest you're not to signify the appreciation and respect.

- To say (thank you): "Danke"

  - To say "yes": "Ja" and pronounce "ya"

  - To say "no": "Nein" and pronounce "Nein"

- And calling on people in Sidi "Herr" means Mr and pronounce "hair"

  - And calling for a woman Bsidta "Frau" means Mrs and pronounce "frow"

  - And calling the girl "Fräulein" and pronounce "froy-line"

- To say (I'm not at home): "Nicht zu Hause" and pronounce "neecht tsu how-zeh"

3. Numbers

Number (one): "eins" and pronounce "iness" as to pronounce the last two characters in the word Nadine

Number. (two): zwei and pronounce (tsvy)

Number (three): drei and pronounce (dry)

Number (four): vier and pronounce (feer)

Number (five): funf and pronounce (foonf)
Number (six): sechs and pronounce (zechs)

Number (seven): sieben and pronounce (zee-ben)

Number (eight): acht and pronounce (uhcht)

Number (nine): nuen and pronounce (noyn)

Number (ten): zehn and pronounce (tsehn)

Number (eleven): elf and pronounce (elf)

Number (twelve): zwölf and pronounce (tsevelv "

Number (thirteen): (drei-zehn) and pronounce "dry-tsayn"

Number (fourteen): (vier-zehn) and pronounce "feer-tsayn"

Number (fifteen): "fünf-zehn" and pronounce "fuenf-tsayn"

Number (sixteen): (sech-zehn) and pronounce "zech-tsayn"

Number (seventeen): (sieb-zehn) and pronounce "zeeb-tsayn or seeb-tsayn"

Number (eighteen): (acht-zehn) and pronounce "uhcht-tsayn"

Number (nineteen): (neun-zehn) and pronounce "noyn-tsayn"

Number (twenty): (zwanzig) and pronounce "Tsvan-tsick" or "Tsvan-tsich"

4. Some phrases that may need them

- Anhalten means "stop"

- Weggehen or Geh weg! / Hau ab! Means "go away."

-? Wie viel kostet das means "what price" or "What is the cost," and pronounce (vee ~ fell ~ kostent ~ das)

- Yes, that would be nice "Ja das wäre schön"

- Can you tell me where the station? ? Kannst du mir sagen, wo der Bahnhof ist

- Contact me so we can talk together more "Ruf mich an, damit wir weiter reden können"

- I am very sorry Tut mir leid "

- Do you have? ? Haben Sie, and pronounce: (? Hah-ben zee ...)

- I can not sleep ich kann nicht schlafen
- I need to .. ich brauche

- I want .. ich möchte
- I love and adore ich mag comes with eating and drinks in the usual
- I like the "smitten ich liebe and come with the people and places and nature
- I'm hungry, "I Djaan" ich habe hunger

- Can I go to the bathroom if allowed? "? Darf ich bitte zur Toilette gehen"

5. To define yourself in German

- To introduce yourself by saying: My name is "Ich heiß" or Ich bin or mein Name ist "

- I come from or coming from: ich komme aus

- I live in: ich wonne in
- I was ..: ich ,,, jahre alt
- My job is ..: mein beruf
- My hobby is: mein hobby ist
- I am married: ich bin verheiratet
- I addressed: ich bin verlobt

and to ask someone:

- What's your name? ? Wie heißen Sie (official)
- What's your name? .? Wie heißt du (unofficial)
- Gesundheit a greeting uttered when someone sneezes in front of you

6. Some animals names

Cow "die Kuh"

- Dog "der Hund"

- Rat "die Maus"

- A cat die Katze

- Hen "die Henne"

- Pig "das Schwein"

- Frog "der Frosch"

- Fly "die Fliege"

- Bat "die Fledermaus"

- Lion "der Löwe"

- Ghazal "der Elch"

- Octopus "der Oktopus"

- Squirrel "das Eichhörnchen" and pronounce "EICH-HOHRN-CHEN"

- Asalkhvah "der Schildkröte" and pronounce "SHILL'D-KROH-TAY"

- Snake "die Schlange"

7. meanings of some of the signs and signals

- (+) "Plus" and pronounce "Ploos"

- (-) "Minus" and pronounce (meenoos)

- (×) "mal" and pronounce (mol)

- With "mit"

- No "ohne"

- Sir, "Herr" and pronounce (HAIR)

- Why "? Was" and pronounce (vas)

- Why "? Warum" and pronounce (Varrooom)

- What's the weather like? "? Wie ist das wetter"

- Football "Fußball" and pronounce (Foosball)

- Hot "Heiß" and pronounce "Hot"

- Cool "Kalt" and pronounce "(Kaahlt)"

- Ice "Schnee" and pronounce (Shnay)

- Iceman "Schneemann"

- Picture "Bild"

- Radio "Das Radio" and to pronounce ("Das Radio")

- Mobile phone (Mobile Phone) "Das Handy" and pronounce (Hahndee)

- The head, the head of "Kopf"

7. Finally, learn the names of drinks and different cuisines

- Milk or milk "die Milch" and pronounced (Millshhh)

- Apples "der Apfelsaft" juice

- Oranges "der Orangensaft" juice

- Water "das Wasser" and pronounce (Vasser)

- Potatoes die kartoffel

- Der Salat authority

- Cheese der Käse

- Live "bread" das brot

Fast Facts light

I ich - You du - is er - is sie - We Wear

 *We have thus we presented a few km German language basics, you might find it a little difficult at      first to learn German, but make sure you are continuing to try and practice will become a good            proficient in the German language .. we hope that we have effectively Saadnakm to learn German      basics and you will be have benefited from .