samedi 3 janvier 2015

The fact that the relationship between eating eggs and cholesterol you actually pose a threat?

To clarify the relationship eat eggs and cholesterol, there are some explanations for the cholesterol that must be aware of them that cholesterol are two types, one is useful and other harmful to health if the increased rate of blood and called the name of (LDL), which is a fatty proteins low-density movement of cholesterol throughout the body and cause the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, and at the same time there is another type called the name (HDL), which is high-density useful Lipoprotein returns (LDL) the excess to the liver for analysis and get rid of it, so the presence of (HDL) a few percent with a high proportion (LDL) increases the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries.

the relationship between eggs and cholesterol

Increased cholesterol in the blood:

Some people, known as 'hyperresponders' and they do not face a rise in blood cholesterol LDL or HDL when eating eggs, but these kind of people are rare. A study to demonstrate the existence of significant differences between these two groups, where a group of healthy people show a significant increase in cholesterol after eating 3 eggs a day for 10 weeks, while the other group showed that there is such a rise in blood cholesterol.

It seems that there are differences between individuals high and that what happens to one person may not happen for another, and that some people may experience an increase in cholesterol, eating eggs and others are not taking place have high cholesterol, where it's not a rule.

Victoria Taylor, the first specialist in nutrition British Heart Association , says : «issue is not about what is the amount of cholesterol in eggs we eat, it is about how to cook eggs before eating. These precise words. »

Eggs a natural food products rich body very useful material, which is to say the least it is a great and very useful food. The egg yolk and a component of whiteness. The yolk contains minerals, vitamins, fats and cholesterol, and about half the amount of protein per egg, and white is composed of proteins.

There is no doubt that high blood cholesterol is something that is harmful to the health of the arteries attack and stroke.

The cholesterol in the blood of 80% of it comes from the liver that makes cholesterol and 20% comes from the food we eat. And stimulates the liver to produce cholesterol is a number of factors, the most important genes and the amount of saturated animal fats that we eat in our food. The source of saturated animal fats are meat, grease, butter and full-fat milk. The fat in the egg are often trans fats, and the amount of saturated fat in eggs is very slim.

There was confusion in the medical advice between whites and high cholesterol, where in the sixties of the last century, scientists discovered that the arteries of the heart and brain diseases related to high blood cholesterol, and in that time, they found that the egg-rich food products cholesterol, and automatically, without making studies, they said that a lot of eating eggs leads to high blood cholesterol and thus increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This has been scientifically proven later to be incorrect.

One egg contains about 180 ms grams of cholesterol, medical advice and requests that exceed one free of the arteries and causes heart disease, the intake of 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day. It also requests the heart patients not to exceed the intake of 200 mg of cholesterol per day.
What is scientifically proven that the eggs natural substances called «lecithin» in egg yolk, prevents the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, as has been scientifically proven that the intestinal absorption of cholesterol occurs when the cholesterol-saturated animal fats mixed.

So there is a difference between eating fried eggs or animal shortening, butter or mixed meat, and poached eggs covered in one breakfast or dinner free of butter or meat or full-fat dairy products.

Therefore, a British researcher said «The research today proved that high cholesterol in our bodies is in fact a result we had high saturated animal fat and not the result of eating a lot of material cholesterol. Therefore, a lot of eating fried eggs with butter or cheese mixed in (omelette) may cause the lifting of cholesterol in the blood, while the hard-boiled eggs or fried without margarine or butter animal is a good thing and there are no caveats health of it within a healthy and balanced meals »

note with me that the cholesterol me waxy substance differ in chemical composition radically from the chemical composition of fats in general. And that fat is divided into saturated animal type, and the type of polyunsaturated vegetable.
And no cholesterol only in animal food products, and that all plant food products are free of cholesterol, which includes the natural vegetable oils from cholesterol-free asset.

However this says scientific bulletins issued by «Mayo Clinic» in the United States, it is true that it is hard scientifically that eating eggs in a healthy way has nothing to do with the prospect of infection in healthy people of cardiovascular disease, but heart patients should be aware.

The meaning is, that patients with cardiovascular and diabetic patients and patients with high cholesterol, they caution, meaning caution is careful to eat the eggs in a healthy way and not a lot of it, which, for example, for them to eat a meal consisting of two eggs and twice a week. The most important is careful to reduce trans fats found in vegetable oils that have undergone industrial hydrogenation eating, being careful also to reduce the intake of saturated animal fats.

In this connection, she (Lisa Dreyer), nutrition expert and author of the book (diet beauty), that the eggs usually does not raise blood cholesterol, but may help pay for your health for the better. A recent study found that men and women are healthy who eat one egg every day are not exposed to the risk of heart disease or stroke, and another study showed that in some cases people with cardiovascular disease, is to eat three eggs a day no matter what part of the special diet weight loss and helps them in improve the level of cholesterol in the blood, you can in this regard read the article by reducing cholesterol from here.

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