We are all human beings and we all want to live in prosperity, and earn a lot of money less effort and in a short time! . All that these people are taking to look for ways and means, even if some strange and wonderful to earn a lot of money on the Internet. In this article you will learn about some of these methods, which perhaps some of them would not be suitable for you :), but I hope that you read inspiring you to set up a similar idea, remember that no matter how stupid idea, but there are those who care about!

1. tunes from industry to earn thousands of dollars!

Of course, as we know, the music may be important sources to achieve a lot of money, especially after the emergence of the Internet because you simply do not need a long time to achieve fame, many people just are notorious through YouTube. "Matt Farley" is one of the persons who took advantage of their talent to bring thousands of dollars in the field of music, as he wrote "died" about 14,000 songs and more than 500 album on iTunes and Spohiawl.hzh songs are usually about popular topics on the Internet, for example, about the stars and the movies and others. Due to the huge amount of attractive melodies and the names enable "Matt Farley" to earn a lot of money, regardless of the songs Is it bad or not!
2.hab plays «Minecraft» and earns millions

Who does not like electronic games? We are all our memories with Super Mario and other games that silently our childhood, but when "Joseph Garrett," it's different, this young man does not play just for fun, but also to achieve millions of dollars, Joseph plays the famous game «Minecraft» and logs what he is doing within the game with funny comments British dialect, and then put the video on YouTube.
3. gain of dollars through eating!

"Park Saoachamm" girl from South Korea, also earn thousands of dollars from Aluotaob.lkn what you are doing perhaps it may be strange to some of us, this girl used appetite to eat a lot of food in front of the camera. They are known as «The Diva» and her followers in South Korea, who like to see how some people eat.
Because of its popularity, "Park Saoachamm got" a full-time job at a consulting firm and now eat for three hours a day in front of the camera.
4. Hair: hair girl online sales of more than $ 4,000

Course of curiosities as well as to make money, is selling the hair on the internet! Can you believe that?
Yes my friend is true despite the strangeness, hairwork is the first site in the United States for the sale of hair. One girl, "Debra Joerg," has sold nearly 80 cm of her hair in the amount of $ 4,000.
5.abie spaces in the face of Advertising

Everything is for sale and purchase in this physical world that we live in, but do you believe that it comes to selling your face corporate propaganda? Yes, this is what he had done Ross Harper and Ed Moyse his friend to get rid of their debts, they created a website under BuyMyFace.com title in October of 2011 and sold the space in their faces for publicity for the entire year.

The two began selling in one place on their faces in the amount of £ 1 ($ 1.67), but soon the price rose to $ 600 and they earn 50,000 to $ 80,000. Now these two young men managed to establish other business ventures of their own.
6. A man wearing a new shirt every day, and earns $ 500,000 annually

Strangeness may not end in the online world, this time with "Jason Sadler," which has created a great way to earn more than half a million dollars a year, this innovative way simply by wearing T-shirts with logos of different companies every day. Began in 2009, for $ 1 .kan first year was very successful earning more than 70 000 dollars, and it lasted for years, and had been investigating more than half a million dollars annually. In 2012, he changed his name to Jason HeadsetsDotCom, and earn him $ 45 thousand.

Strangeness may not end in the online world, this time with "Jason Sadler," which has created a great way to earn more than half a million dollars a year, this innovative way simply by wearing T-shirts with logos of different companies every day. Began in 2009, for $ 1 .kan first year was very successful earning more than 70 000 dollars, and it lasted for years, and had been investigating more than half a million dollars annually. In 2012, he changed his name to Jason HeadsetsDotCom, and earn him $ 45 thousand.
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