Full name Lawrence Joseph Ellison, born Larry in 17 \ 8 \ 1944 in the state of New York, his mother, Florence Spielman were not married, and in the month-IX wounded pneumonia, Verselth mother to her aunt, Lillian and her husband Louis in Chicago, where they adopted Larry. After receiving his high school, he joined Larry at the University of Illinois and in his first year at the university was named as the best student of science, but in the second year Lilian mother died adopters, following his grief by expulsion from the university, Larry did not leave school but attended the University of Chicago, but he also was ejected after Season One. Months moving to the states of America, California: Larry found that his presence in Chicago will adversely affect the course of his life, Vhzm his luggage and go to California known as the opportunities and life well-off to be the first step to success. For a period of ten years, Larry moved from job to work, and the usefulness of years work experience and some of which he learned at the university work as a programmer in Omdahl company. Oracle establishment: In 1977, the foundations of Larry with two of his colleagues, a small software development company and then founded a database management company (renamed Oracle) for the CIA, no one expected that a company like this with less than 10 employees and an annual income less than a million dollars to become one of the best database management companies, when IBM signed a contract allowing them to use Oracle in 1981. Oracle doubled profits for seven years, of course, when IBM's intervention in the project do not expect that it will lose: D. After 11 years of Oracle and managed to escape from bankruptcy in 1986, the world's leading Oracle software and database management company has become. From fantasy to reality: Then put Larry new plan, namely the acquisition of companies, which contributed to raising the market value gradually over 28 years to $ 185 billion with more than 40,000 thousand employees, and the fifth richest man in the world after Warren Buffett Warren Buffett in 2014 did not Larry leaves his ambition, despite the obstacles they faced, there must be some days that the thought of where to give up this dream, and work to earn a living and get a normal life, but he refused it has set the same goal, the expulsion of the two universities, his company was on the brink of bankruptcy, but he has struggled considered a matter of life or death, and finally realized his dream and the collection of $ 48 billion, with the knowledge that he relinquish the position of Executive Director for Oracle this year's blatant Katz and Mark Hurd to devote himself to his life and his hobbies. This is a picture of the home of Larry, which sells for $ 70 million, based on the Japanese style, and the lake as you can see.

Incidentally Larry fond yacht, and also this picture of his yacht or Barjtah because I did not see a yacht of this size, with an area of 8000 square meters !!! / Terms and Conditions of this boat maintenance costs of $ 13 million dollars annually.

Well, dear reader, if you feel that your dream is far from reality, and even closer to the imagination, I advise you to operate it even if you can not achieve Vikvak honor attempt, unfortunately in our country, the Arab Thus dreams already be dreams implausible, but do not know when luck comes pregnant us an opportunity to change the course of our lives may, or may change the world without the slightest exaggeration, and in the end we pray to God so that shows people in our country are changing the reality of our country, the Arab difficult and bitter, in order to catch the civilization of the West that we left decades ago. I leave you with a few words and values of Larry: "I believe people have to follow their dreams, I did" "When you innovate be prepared for everyone telling you are you are nuts" "I have had all the disadvantages required for success" "I 'm so disturbed by kids who spend all day playing videogames "
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